Changing Perceptions

Question …

When looking at a person for the first time
what do you see?

Or better yet–When you see a person happy or sad, do you speak?

Why is it so hard for people to ask someone how they really feel? 

Why do we as a people judge other people before we get a chance to really know who that person is?

Is it that society has cultural  differences that led people astray from understanding the key to survival is love?

The time for change has come.  Now the world needs all people of color, race or ethnicity  to make a change for the b better.  For in the end we all bleed the same.

Watch this amazing video by CPI the Crisis Prevention Institute  and share your comments.

For the time is here—NH2R





Are you a Caterpillar or a Butterfly?



  1. The Beginning—-Caterpillar

  2. Evolving Stage—-Cocoon

  3. Learning Curb—–In Flight

  4. Soaring Stage——Butterfly

On the chart above, dive deep and decide where are you in your life of transformational growth . There is no wrong or right answer.

Remember this, that no matter where you are on this chart, only the
strong survive.  

HELP US! Black Lives Matter

Question–What is the agenda behind Black Lives Matter?

His name is Davon McNeal

Does  Black Lives Matter only if you can get a riot? Or if the news can get attention? Where is the help for black families who live everyday with fear?

You say that our country has challenges that  is called black on black crime. But what is the Black Lives Matter solutions to help black families?

This is where we as a people need the BLM support. Why does a child have to die because of gun violence?

Black Lives Matter where is your agenda to empower the black communities? Is your agenda not about black lives just money to exploit the need to help us as a people?

Image may contain: 1 person, closeup, text that says 'My name is Mekhi James. I was gunned down on Father's Day Weekend in Chicago. There were no protests. There was no outrage. I was 3 years old when I died. My life mattered too.'

From what we see in Washington, DC nobody really gives a damn because there is a  genocide agenda.

Community joins together in Washington, DC  to ask What Can We Do to help. Let’s Talk