I sure have come a long way since 2015 when this video was created. Yet! today, I can say I am grateful for the journey.

As Washington, DC Certified Peer Specialist graduate from the class of 2013, my class was made of leaders from all walks of life. We had something to share to the world that recovery from mental health disorders, drug addictions, homelessness, incarceration, or suicidal behavior and depression could be won!

As we were about to enter into the professional field of behavioral health; I wanted to share a few words as the class speaker.

I wish you all COURAGE to be the change makers that I know you have been chosen to be.

 I wish you all WISDOM to pick and choose your battles to helping the communities of behavioral health.

I wish you all LOVE for it will be the love of God and the love of understanding that will make the difference.


I wish you all SUCCESS in whatever your definition of success maybe.


Did you know that each month has a ribbon that recognize challenges to bring HOPE? 


January 1st:                     New Year’s Day

January 1st:                     World Day of Peace

January 9th:                   

National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day  (Thin Blue Line)

January 11th:   

National Human Trafficking Awareness Day  (Blue)

January 12th:                   National Pharmacist Day

January 1th:                   World Religion Day

January 20th:                Martin Luther King Jr. Day

January 25th:                Chinese New Year  (Year of the Rat)

January 26- February 1:      

 Catholic School Week

Cervical Cancer Awareness Month  (Teal)

Glaucoma Awareness Month  (Green)

Thyroid Awareness Month  (Pink-Purple-Teal)

Blood Donor Month  (Red)

Birth Defects Awareness Month  (Pink-Blue)

National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month  (Blue)


February 4th:                   World Cancer Day  (Lavender)

February 7th:                   National Wear Red Day  (Red)

February 7th:                   Give Kids a Smile Day

February 14th:                 Valentine’s Day

February 15th:            

 International Childhood Cancer Awareness Day  (Gold)

February 15th:                 Susan B. Anthony Day

February 17th:                 Presidents Day

February 19th:                 Coast Guard Reserves Birthday 1941

February 25th:                 Fat Tuesday

February 29th:                 Rare Disease Day  (Zebra Pattern)

February 2-3:           

National Eating Disorders Awareness Week(NEDA)  (Purple)

American Heart Month  (Red)

Black History Month

International Friendship Month

Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month  (Orange)

Children’s Dental Health Awareness Month

National Cancer Prevention Month  (Lavender) 


March 2nd:                       Texas Independence Day

March 6th:                        Employee Appreciation Day

March 17th:                      Saint Patrick’s Day

March 22nd:                     World Water Day

March 24th:                      World TB Day  (Red)

March 26th:                      American Diabetes Alert Day  (Grey)

March 30th:                      National Doctor’s Day

March 16-22:                    Brain Awareness Week  (Grey)

Red Cross Month

Brain Injury Awareness Month  (Grey)

Child Life Month

Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month  (Green)

Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month  (Blue)

Kidney Cancer Awareness Month  (Orange)

Multiple Myeloma Awareness Month  (Burgundy)

Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month  (Orange)

National Nutrition Awareness Month

National Women’s History Month

Blood Disorder Awareness Month (Red)


April 7th:                           World Health Day

April 10th:                         Good Friday

April 12th:                         Easter

April 17th:                         Hemophilia Day  (Red)

April 22nd:                        Earth Day

April 22nd:                        Administrative Professionals Day

April 28th:                         Occupational Safety and Health Day

April 13-19:                       Dispatch Appreciation Week (Thin Gold Line)

April 13-19:       

Oral, Head and Neck Cancer Awareness Week  (Burgundy)

April 19-25:      National Volunteer Week

Animal Cruelty Prevention Month  (Purple)

Autism Awareness Month (Puzzle/Red-Yellow-Blue)

Child Abuse Prevention Month  (Blue)

Sexual Assault Awareness Month  (Teal)

Donate Life Month  (Green)

Parkinson’s Disease Awareness Month  (Grey)

Esophageal Cancer Awareness Month  (Lavender)

Testicular Cancer Awareness Month  (Purple)

Oral, Head and Neck Cancer Awareness Month  (Burgundy) 

National 9-1-1 Education Month (Thin Gold Line)


May 5th:                           Cinco de Mayo

May 5th:                           National Teachers Day

May 6th:                           National Nurses Day

May 8th:                           World Red Cross Crescent Day

May 10th:                         Mother’s Day

May 13th:                         Receptionist Day

May 15th:      

Peace Officers Memorial Day (Thin Blue Line)

May 16th:                         Armed Forces Day

May 20th:  

Autoimmune and Autoinflammatory Arthritis Diseases Day (Red-Black) 

May 25th:                         Memorial Day

May 31st:                         Necrotizing Fasciitis Day  (Teal-Purple with White Stars)

May 3-9:                           Public Service Week

May 3-9:                           Brain Tumor Action Week  (Grey)

May 4-8:                           Teacher Appreciation Week

May 6-12:                         Nurses Week

May 10-16:                       Armed Forces Week

May 10-16:                       National Police Week  (Thin Blue Line)

May 17-23:                       Emergency Medical Service Week

National Military Appreciation Month

National Arthritis Month  (Blue)

Asthma and Food Allergy Awareness Month  (Teal)

Brain Cancer /Tumor Action Month  (Grey)

Osteoporosis Awareness & Prevention Month  (White)

Melanoma Skin Cancer Awareness Month  (Black)

Lupus Awareness Month  (Purple)

Stroke Awareness Month  (Red)

Bladder Cancer Awareness Month  (Yellow-Blue-Purple)

Mental Health Awareness Month  (Green) 

Tuberous Sclerosis Awareness Month  (Blue)

Celiac Disease Awareness Month  (Green)

National Foster Care Month  (Light Blue)

Necrotizing Fasciitis Month (Teal-Purple with White Stars) 


June 5th:                          World Environment Day  (Green)

June 7th:                          National Cancer Survivors Day (Lavender)

June 14th:                        Flag Day

June 14th:     

United States Army – Happy Birthday 1775

June 14th:                        World Blood Donor Day  (Red)

June 15th:                        Smile Power Day

June 21st:                        Father’s Day

June 8-14:                National Men’s Health Week

June 18-24:       

National Nursing Assistants Week

National Safety Month

Pride Month

PTSD Awareness Month  (Teal)

Cataract Awareness Month  (White)


July 1st:                            Canada Day

July 4th:                            Independence Day

July 15th:       

Leiomyosarcoma Awareness Day  (Purple)       

July 28th:                          World Hepatitis Day  (Red-Yellow)

July 31st:     

System Administrator Appreciation Day

UV Safety Month  (Black)

Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month  (Blue)


August 2nd:                      National Friendship Day

August 4th:         

U.S. Coast Guard – Happy Birthday 1790

August 4th:          

 National Night Out (Against Crime)  (Red-White-Blue)

August 1-7:                       World Breastfeeding Week

National Immunization Awareness Month  (Teal)

Medic Alert Awareness Month


September 7th:                Labor Day

September 11th:              Patriot Day

September 13th:              Grandparents Day

September 17th:    

Constitution Day/Citizenship Day

September 18th:  

United States Air Force – Happy Birthday 1947

September 18th:              POW/MIA Recognition Day

September 20th:              Women’s Friendship Day

September 21st:              International Day of Peace

September 21st:              World Alzheimer’s Day  (Purple)

September 29th:              World Heart Day

September 6-12:              Suicide Prevention Week  (Teal-Purple)

September 18-20:            Rosh Hashanah

September 27-28:            Yom Kippur

Childhood Cancer Awareness Month  (Gold)

Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Month  (Teal)

Leukemia Awareness Month  (Orange)

Lymphoma Awareness Month  (Lime Green)

Sickle Cell Awareness Month  (Burgundy)

Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month  (Teal)

Prostate Cancer Awareness Month  (Light Blue)

Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month  (Pink-Purple-Teal)

National Yoga Awareness Month


October 2nd:                    World Smile Day

October 6th:                     Physician Assistant Day

October 9th:                     Emergency Nurse Day

October 12th:                   Columbus Day

October 13th:                   United States Navy – Happy Birthday 1775

October 14th:                   S.A.V.E. Day (Stop American Violence Everywhere)

October 16th:                   Bosses Day

October 17th:                   Sweetest Day

October 24th:                   Make A Difference Day

October 31st:                   Halloween

October 4-10:                   Mental Illness Awareness Week  (Green)

October 5-9:                     Customer Service Week

October 18-24:                 Invisible Disabilities Awareness Week (Purple)

October 19-25:                 Male Breast Cancer Awareness Week (Pink-Blue)

October 23-31:                 Red Ribbon Week  (Red)

October 31-November 2:             Day of the Dead (Dia de Los Muertos)

Breast Cancer Awareness Month  (Pink)

Fire Prevention Awareness Month  (Thin Red Line)

Domestic Violence Awareness Month  (Purple)

Down Syndrome Awareness Month  (Blue-Yellow)

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Awareness Month  (Pink-Blue)

Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Month  (Pink-Blue)

National Bullying Prevention Month  (Blue)

Liver Cancer Awareness Month  (Green)


November 10th:               United States Marine Corps – Happy Birthday 1775

November 11th:               Veterans Day

November 13th:               World Kindness Day

November 14th:               Operating Room Nurse Day

November 15th:               America Recycles Day

November 21st:               Great American Smoke Out Day

November 26th:               Thanksgiving Day


National Men’s Health Awareness Month

Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month  (Purple)

American Diabetes Awareness Month  (Grey)

Epilepsy Awareness Month  (Purple)

Lung Cancer Awareness Month  (White)

Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month  (Purple)

Military Family Appreciation Month

Diabetic Eye Disease Awareness Month  (Grey)

Stomach Cancer Awareness Month  (Periwinkle)

Carcinoid Cancer Awareness Month  (Black-White)


December 1st:                 World Aids Day  (Red)

December 5th:                 International Volunteer Day

December 7th:                 Pearl Harbor Remembrance

December 13th:               U.S. National Guard Birthday – Happy Birthday 1636

December 25th:               Christmas Day

December 31st:               New Year’s Eve

December 10-18:             Hanukkah

December 26-January 1:      Kwanzaa

MADD  (Red)

Crohn’s Disease and Colitis Awareness Month  (Purple)

The time has emerge to recognize
addictions and mental health
together  as a 
co-occurring disorder
awareness month















The Yellow  represent the survivors left behind after a Suicide.

The Pink is most commonly associated with Breast Cancer.

The Red is generally used to show support for the fight

The Purple typically represents Pancreatic Cancer and Epilepsy. It is also a symbol for Alzheimer’s disease, Lupus, and Animal Abuse.

(FYI) Purple and Teal Green is associated with
Domestic Violence
and Sexual Assault.

The Black ribbons are used as general symbols for mourning.

The Blue represents Child Abuse /Prevention Awareness. As well as Human Trafficking, Sex Slavery.

The Green is the color most associated with Mental Health, Depression, and Auditory Processing Disorder.


The DC Walk 4 ReCovery Campaign  conducted a  survey for the BEST word that represents recovery and the theme for the Washington, DC’s forthcoming DC Walk 4 ReCovery that is scheduled for Saturday July 25th 2020 on the National Mall.

There were a total of 135 persons who completed the survey. To our surprise not only did  participates from Washington  DC complete the survey but there were persons from different   parts of the United States with a few from other countries who  voted. 

The three choices on the survey were the following:

1.  Equality
2. Transformation
3. Equity



is the


Walk With Us Saturday
July25th 2020 

Learn more  how {YOU} can 
join  this
monumental event